Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dexter Season 5, Episode 2: "Hello Bandit" Recap (Part 2)

By Sarrah Hanna

There's a bit of relationship material in this episode. First there's the legitimate question of what exactly is going on with Debra and Quinn following their frenzied bit of sexual fun last episode.

Quinn seems eager to move things along, or at least re-live the moment. Debra on the other hand prefers to pretend that it didn't even occur, quite literally in fact as she tells Quinn flat out that "it never happened." While the pairing of the two in a way that goes beyond working partners still seems out of place it's being handled well. It's frankly a bit of relief that the show didn't quickly launch the two into anything serious. By contrast the relationship between Laguerta and Batista continues to be the weakest link of the show. The pair are still trying to get things to work completely following hasty marriage the previous season. Not only is the relationship between the two not particularly interesting, it's quickly becoming the defining feature of both characters.

Both are becoming less enjoyable to watch as it's only a matter of time before one or the other complains about their relationship.

Despite the pointlessness of the Laguerta/Batista relationship and the questionable wisdom of what's being done with Debra and Quinn this is still a strong episode. It's comforting to see Dexter start to get back to what he does best, especially since it's become clear by this point that Rita's death him harder than he probably ever thought was possible. Much of the groundwork for the season is being laid in this episode.

Boyd was confirmed to fit the code but Dexter hadn't yet made his move against him by the end of the episode, though that will likely get resolved in the next one. The decapitation killing is probably going to lead to a season long killer that the Miami Metro (if not Dexter himself) will be tracking. The decision to remove Astor and Cody, at least for the time being, was probably for the best. It's important that Dexter try to find his stability again and that would have been next to impossible if he had to juggle three kids (it'll be hard enough with just the baby.)

While there are a few clear paths for the show to take at this point exactly where Dexter himself is headed is still very just up in the air. That sense of possibility for the main character is part of what makes this show impossible to not watch every week. - 40727

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