Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Alfred Hitchcock's Spy Movie North By Northwest

By Christian Murphy

Hitchcock is always remembered as the master of suspense, the master of the thriller, but the truth is that he cast a much wider net than that. He was a master of more than just suspense. With Psycho, he invented the entire slasher genre and pioneered the "jump" scene. With North by Northwest, he had a whole other ambition in mind: Creating the first big all-action flick. People remember it as a thriller, but it's really just a great action film.

Everybody knows about the airplane chase with the crop duster chasing Cary Grant through the crops. It's a great scene, sure, but only one of several awesome set pieces in the film. The shootout on the face of Mt. Rushmore is an equally jaw dropping piece of film making, but one of the real crowning moments is the drunken chase. Cary Grant is fed glass after glass of booze and then put in a car with no brakes, so he has to flee the badguys while drunk in a car with a cut brake line!

In this day and age, you rarely see this much imagination in action films. There are always exceptions like in the film Shootemup, or some of the Hong Kong classics of recent decades, but regardless, this film has more imagination and intelligence than a dozen other action films put together. Seeing Cary Grant cruising down the street, drunk as a skunk and dodging bullets... It's hard to get so excited over one more car running over yet another fruit stand.

Context. The main thing this film has is context. Where most action movies will take a hero and some baddies, give them all guns, and call it a day, Hitchcock's hero is not only in a car chase, he's in a car chase drunk, with no brakes. When he gets into the crops to escape the plane, it covers the crops with pesticide.

It was never enough for Hitchcock to just put the hero up against some badguys with guns, he had to put his heroes between a rock and a hard place, into situations where anything they could do to solve one problem would only lead to other problems. This made for better stories and better action.

The legacy the master left behind has since been frequently copied, turned into a formula. So few directors have innovated upon it, though. It has so infrequently been re-imagined or reshaped, only repackaged. Of course, we always have Psycho, Vertigo and Rear Window to go back to and watch again and again, but still, if only modern filmmakers took Alfie's imagination, and not just his tropes.

The film also boasts one of the most direct love scenes of all time, depicting a train going into a tunnel. When X rated films got big in the seventies, Hitchcock said "I don't know what the big deal is, I already did this with North by Northwest!"

If you haven't already, you need to see it. If you have, you need to see it again. It's one of the all time great action films, and one of Hitchcock's very best, and of course, that's not something you say lightly. Without this film, you really wouldn't have the action genre that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Stallone would go on to dominate. In Hong Kong, they've always had the action tradition of Kung Fu films, rooted in Peking Opera, but for the US, the modern action film was born of the western, and Hitchcock. - 40727

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