Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Last Dragon Overview

By Dwayne Todd

The Last Dragon is a film that was produced by Motown Records in the mid eighties as a sort of a Kung Fu comedy flick. It was really meant to promote some music from the company like Oh Sheila, but the flick has actually stood the test of time as one of the all time must download movies of the eighties. It's a lot of fun, it's kind of corny, and it works as an action movie.

The film follows Bruce Leroy, or so is his nickname. He's a young martial artist from Harlem who works for his father's pizza parlor while teaching Kung Fu to the local neighborhood kids. Throughout his adventures, he also has to keep his cool and composure while dealing with his rival, Sho'Nuff, who's always trying to get a rise out of him. Sho'Nuff, you see, is the Shogun of Harlem... Yep, the Shogun of Harlem. That's what he likes to call himself.

Sho'Nuff is really one of the all time great screen villains. Everything about him is just... Wild, ridiculous and hilarious. He walks around with a crew of lackeys, and wherever he enters the scene, he's preceded by a little call-and-response speech between himself and his crew, as if they were the mirror on the wall, he asks them if he is the prettiest, the meanest and the baddest, and Sho Nuff, he is. He wears shoulder pads, visor sunglasses and hakama, those baggy pants worn by samurai. For style and attitude, he's really one of the funniest heavies of all time.

There's a subplot that you probably... Won't take too much interest in. See, Leroy is after the heart of this girl who produces a local music show, and there's this sleazy promoter who's trying to get his girlfriend's new single played on her show. When you see the video, you'll grimace and shudder in embarrassment just for watching it, so... It's funny, but you find yourself wishing they'd just get back to the kung fu already!

But regardless, it is funny, and it does pay off with a big brawl scene at the end when he hires all the meanest guys in the city to attack Bruce Leroy and his students. The end result is a really great rumble scene with Leroy taking on a few dozen hilarious, wild characters before finally beating Sho'Nuff and attaining "The Glow" which is what you call it when they draw a halo of light around your body frame by frame.

There are also some really fun, corny moments along the way. At one point, Leroy tries to seek wisdom from the guy who writes the fortune cookies at the local Chinese restaurant, only to find that they're written by a computer. Therein he finds that zen wisdom of emptiness and being.

Could the movie have been better without the weird subplot about the record promoter? Sure, but even so, it's one of the all time classic eighties flicks, and one of the best attempts at spoofing the Kung Fu genre while at the same time honoring it. It's also just plain a whole lot of fun.

It's exciting, funny, colorful and kind of corny, and a lot of fun. Get a few beers and some buddies and give it a download. You'll definitely enjoy the show if nothing else. - 40727

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