Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Good Synopsis Of The Film Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky

By Alfredo Ross

On May 24, 2009, a movie debuted at the Cannes Film Festival about two world famous celebrities. They were the famed French designer Coco Chanel and Russian musician Igor Stravinsky. The movie was selected as the Closing Firm of the festival. It was simply titled Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky.

This French film is based on Chris Greenhalgh's novel that he wrote in 2002. The book and movie were written as fictional tales, however they are based on factual events. The alleged affair between Coco and Igor only lasted a short while the pair lived in Paris, France during the early 1920's.

This movie was released the same year that another film about the famed designer was released. The other movie, Coco avant Chanel, starred Audrey Tautou as Coco Chanel. Directed by Anne Fontaine, this film was not as well received as the one about the stars' love affair.

The plot of the movie is rather engaging. The movie starts off in Paris, France in the year 1913. Coco Chanel is attending the premier a rather outrageous performance called Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring. The ballet was extremely controversial which actually caused the audience to break out into the most well known musical riots ever.

The scores and choreography shocked the audience which, at the time, was more accustomed to demure classical ballet. However, Coco Chanel was not appalled by the ballet as most people were. She is intrigued, especially with Stravinsky rushes angrily out of the theater.

Seven years pass and Chanel and Stravinsky come in contact again. Coco Chanel has become a successful designer with a thriving business. She is mourning the death of her lover, Arthur "Boy" Capel when she meets Igor. Stravinsky has been forced to leave Russian after the Russian Revolution and has fled to France. The two are immediately attracted to one another.

Coco allows Igor, his children, and his lovely wife to stay in her villa that is on the outskirts of Paris. During the time he and his family are living there, Coco and Igor begin to have an affair. During this affair, both of their work becomes greater due to the love and passion that they feel for one another. It is during this time that Chanel No. 5, Coco's most famous perfume is released. It is also during this period that Igor Stravinsky starts to produce his best work. His music is filled with passion and is somewhat freeing, more than before he began the triste with France's most well known designer. As with any deceptive affair, the couple is soon caught by Igor's wife and the affair comes to an end.

Jan Kounen directed the movie and Chris Greenhalgh wrote the screenplay along with the book. The movie was filmed in three languages, French, English, and Russian. It stars Ann Mouglalis as Coco Chanel and Mads Mikkelson as Igor Stravinsky. Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky opened around the world after it's premier at the Cannes Film Festival. The initial reviews were mixed. The film was said to be sophisticated but it lacked imagination. It also was not as developed as the book and left the viewer wanting more. - 40727

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