Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Video Camera Tips: How To Get Amazing Sound Quality

By Grant Jacobson

Once you proceed from photography to videography as your means of capturing moments either personally or as part of your career, you enter in to a significantly bigger world with increased difficulties also. For instance, you now have to face issues of motion. The problems of illumination and surface noise are just as big of an concern except you now have subjects which might be on the go and you have to go together with them.

But when using a cam corder to record the celebration under scrutiny, whether it's a wedding, a speech or presentation or another important affair, the difficulty of getting the best quality sound offers distinctive troubles. Therefore its far better to do a little centered planning on precisely how you will provide the audio demands of the event to your gear because if you have fantastic images but the words and sounds of the affair are muddy or lost, subsequently the quality of your final product is certainly harmed.

Many an unsatisfactory video has been taken with a video camera because the operator relied too heavily on the modest microphone that may be built into the casing of the unit. Really the only circumstance where this microphone could possibly be sufficient would be if you were conducting a private interview in a small room making it possible to position the video camera inside of three feet of the subject. Even then, surface noises in the encompassing building can become part of the audio outside the awareness of the operator at the time.

To assure that you have total understanding of what is going onto your video recording of each and every function, the investment in a good set of sealed back headsets to check the audio tracks is an exceptional move. You can plug it into the video camera and you are dynamically conscious of what's going onto that recording constantly. If something enters the audio that's not proper, you may use editing techniques or even re-shoot the actual portion if that is achievable in the framework of the affair.

For the majority of occasions, decide to make use of the auxiliary audio input plug to incorporate a mobile mic unit rather than depend on the on board microphone in the video camera casing. This little plug on it's own opens up a large variety of solutions to the issue of poor camcorder audio tracks that is so often endemic of video clips created using this technology.

If you are utilizing an external microphone, know about the limitations of the cable if you are not working with a radio frequency microphone unit. In a scenario such as a speaker conducting a business presentation, it is possible to lay the cord down between the recorder and the speaker's stand assuming you have sufficient cord length to reach to where the microphone will mount on the stand. Take care with the surplus cord, possibly securing it with duct tape so those following the speech never trip on the cord or yank it free which may bring about personal injury and damage the gear.

In numerous circumstances for example one in which you plan to interview individuals in a roving style or to record a speaker that is on the move quite a lot, a radio frequency microphone could possibly be required. These can be more expensive but without the investment in this engineering, your audio quality depending solely on the video camera built in microphone will likely be unsatisfying. - 40727

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