Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Matter Of Talent

By Arnold Franklin

Chasing the Dream

It's the American dream. Or one of them, anyway: getting in front of a camera as a model or actor. And certainly there are many possible jobs for someone looking to get into the talent business, but you've got to know the right people. The right agency -- the one that'll take care of composites and auditions and walk you through that tough stuff right up front.

This means you've got to do some legwork to find the perfect agency. Do your research! Compare the agency to others to figure out what's a reasonable expectation on both sides. A lot of agencies are just out for your money, so beware of what you're signing over during those first meetings. Remember that the relationship is one of trust, so make it count.

Meet Your New Partner

Sure, there are always expenses. You have to get your model composites done, for instance. Those are your business cards in the industry. The agency can help you put that together upfront, and it'll be your first hint of how honest the people you're working with actually are. Also make sure the agency is fully licensed, has a recognizable client list, and has been around at least a few years.

There are things to think about, important things to think about. LIke: what are you thinking about doing? Where do you want to appear? Is it in a magazine? Or strolling across a runway? Do you have a voice for radio? Or a face for TV? Film in your future? It's all about the conversation you have with your agency.

Hard Work and a Good Face

And if you think you lack the exotic looks that exemplify the model, the truth is that agencies are always looking for people with those everyday looks, with the kind of faces you see in your daily rounds. And that face can be on a grandparent or a baby, whether you've had previous experience or not. It's all on the table, because there's no telling what that next casting director is going to want. It's entirely possible it could be you.

So you've got to be smart, and careful, and dedicated, and charming. You've got to build the right relationship with the right agency. You've got to avoid the money scam. You've got to think about how you want to present yourself to the world. You've got to be brave under all those lights. So get ready. There's a lot of work to be done. Make sure you've got the right people on your side. - 40727

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