Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mixed Reviews Brookylns Finest Hasn't Diminished Interest

By Gabriel Bush

One of the sleeper movies of the year, Brookylns Finest, was released in March with mixed reviews, but that didn't stop avid action junkies from flooding the theaters looking for an interesting twist on an old story line. Due to the efforts of writer Michael C. Martin and directory Antoine Fugua, this film has made the list of one of the top cop movies since 1973 as well as grossed more profits than expected. Set in the 65th precinct of New York City's Police Department, the problems of living in the inner city all come to light in this well acted film.

One of the main strengths of this film is in the top ranked stars that chose to participate. Many personalities such as Ethan Hawke, Richard Gere, Ellen Barkin, Wesley Snipes, Lili Taylor, Don Cheadle, and many more fill the screen with talent and dedication while paying tribute to some of the hardest working men and women in the world today. We follow the lives, stories, and career paths of three officers played by Gere, Hawke, and Cheadle who end up coming together at the end of the show in a single location, but for very different reasons. The result is a night filled with terror and intrigue as the lifestyle of the area is revealed in its true form.

Although the movie is primarily based in Brooklyn, filming was also completed throughout the New York area including Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn itself. Through the eyes of the three principal police officers, the worst and best an urban city has to offer is presented and interwoven with complications in their daily lives which often influence decisions. The action and intrigue begin in the opening scene where a thug is shot and robbed which conversing in a car with another man. We later find out that the shooter was himself a cop.

The complexities of personal lives are revealed throughout the movie which helps viewers understand how Brooklyn's finest often walk a very thin line between right and wrong. Whether desperate for money, close to retirement, or tired of working undercover, the decisions they make are ultimately affected by the difficulties faced in their personal lives. The story climaxes when the three key Officers, who have developed their characters while on extremely different career paths, end up in the same, deadly setting at the same time.

Michale Martin grew up in the Brooklyn area where the story is based. Therefore, much of what is seen in the film is a direct reflection of personal experiences. This provides viewers with the "reality" aspect so popular today. Although the movie was made on a modest budget, the star-quality cast agreed to lesser pay in order to see it completed as it carries an important message about the challenges police officers working in this are face.

The movie was first seen at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival and later the same year at the Venice Film Festival. After it was purchased and lost, due to financial problems, by a first distributor it was finally picked up by Overture Films which has resulted in major rewards. Although initial reviews have been mixed, the high quality acting and character development have served to support any weakness in the story line. Although critics thought it was very predictable, audiences did not agree as they have continued to find it enthralling.

Despite the reviews, in March 2010 the film opened in the #2 position grossing over $13 million dollars. To date that has increased to over $27 million in the US with an additional $34 million earned in the international market ranking it at #11 in the "Dirty Copy" movie field which covers all movies from 1973 to the present.

It currently is number one in DVD sales which indicates it does have merit as a film with mass appeal based on the acceptance by the general public. Brookylns Finest is an R rated show due to language, sexuality, nudity, drug content, and violence, but is one worth seeing for those with a yen for a real life action drama. - 40727

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