Monday, September 13, 2010

A Variety Of The Best Films From The Prolific Actor, Samuel L. Jackson

By Scott Thomas

Any time a discussion comes up about actors who seem to appear in every movie, one person that always jumps into my mind is of course, Samuel L. Jackson. When's the last time you saw a movie that didn't have him in it? The guy is all over the place! Not that this is a bad thing; I actually appreciate Mr. Jackson and his extremely dedicated work ethic.

But which of his films were his best? Here are my personal favorites.

Two words: Jules Winnfield. There are few characters in the past few decades that touch the awesomeness that this Samuel L. Jackson gangster had in Pulp Fiction. Jules Winnfield gave way to many of the great quotes in any Quentin Tarantino film.

Another movie of his that is definitely worth seeing is Snakes On A Plane. Ok, so maybe it is not definitely worth seeing, but if you appreciate over the top ridiculous plot lines, it does not get any better than this. I'm not sure why this movie was so enjoyable, but it was.

One movie that I have to mention which I haven't seen in quite some time is Sphere. Also starring Dustin Hoffman and Sharon Stone, this science fiction thriller is a mind trip.

If you have not seen Unbreakable, then you are missing out on one of the better M. Night Shyamalan films out there. Samuel L. Jackson stars as Elijah Price, a mentor of sorts to a man that figures out he has supernatural abilities.

One other film that needs to be included on this list is Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith. Samuel L. Jackson was awesome in the Star Wars saga and while episodes I and II were lackluster, episode III pulled out all the stops.

Hopefully there are one or more films from the great Samuel L. Jackson on this list that you have yet to see. - 40727

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