Sunday, September 5, 2010

Best Guides If Your Singing Voice Is Getting Worse

By Razile Flagg

Like a singer, you're always trying to find ways to improve your voice. But what if your voice is getting poorer, and you're not sure what to do about it?

Weakened vocal quality can have several causes, from illness to surgery. Here are several ideas for getting through the rough times and getting your vocal quality back as quickly as possible:

Tip 1: Identify the Root Cause

Identifying the cause of your worsening voice is the first step toward treating the ailment. If it's something noticeable, the same as a recent tonsillectomy or a raging sinus infection, you'll have to recover before your voice is restored to its former glory.

Sometimes voices change normally because of age. For example, boys who sing soprano usually find that they can't hit those high notes after puberty. Older men and women notice it more challenging to hit the top of their vocal scales as well.

Some people lose vocal quality and control after they stop smoking, but most feel that it is a worthy trade since they can re-learn the skills they've lost.

If your singing voice has gotten worse due to age, don't despair. Merely teach yourself to sing in a unique, lower key. Your might discover that your voice is particularly rich and melodic singing lower notes.

If your voice is off due to a medical problem, curing the underlying cause will probably help you obtain your old voice back.

Tip 2: Get a Doctor's Advice

If you can't point to a root cause, or if you think you have an injury or disease, look for a doctor's advice. Ear, nose and throat specialists are particularly helpful.

The doctor will look at your past medical history and your present symptoms to form an analysis and medication plan. Don't wait a long time; some ailments don't get better on their own, so early detection means faster recovery.

Tip 3: Take It Easy

You wouldn't attempt to run a marathon if you had a chest cold. If your vocal chords have a few time off, give them a rest! Sometimes just resting them for a couple of days is all it takes to get better from an sickness or a strain.

Avoid circumstances that require you to speak loudly or for long periods of time. Also, get a lot of good quality sleep. Our bodies do most of their recovery as we sleep. Without enough rest, you might extend your condition.

Sometimes complete vocal rest may be necessary for a week or more. Don't speak at all during this phase. Converse by typing, writing, texting, or whispering. Try not to interact your vocal chords at all. It will be a difficult task, but this technique frequently works when others don't.

Tip 4: Stay Hydrated

Hydration is crucial for singers, and it's especially necessary when you're recovering from an illness or injury. It will maintain your pipes lubed and help you recover quicker. If you're on treatment, good hydration will help your body process the drugs more efficiently.

For a sore throat, try drinking warm decaffeinated tea with honey and a touch of lemon. It tastes good, helps you re-hydrate, and coats your throat.

Good nutrition is important, too. In order to heal, our bodies need plenty of high-quality food. Get plenty of whole grain carbs, fruits and vegetables during your recovery phase.

Most vocal adjustments can be overcome by treating the root problem or altering your singing style. Take good care of yourself and get the advice of a health or musical professional, and you'll be back in singing shape before you know it! - 40727

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