Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Close Look At Movie Downloading Services

By Vernon Rivers

Never before have movies been so easily accessible. There are rental stores, DVD delivery services, and places to purchase movies every few blocks. However, all of this may be coming to an end. Movie downloads are quickly becoming the future of movie watchers everywhere. The convenience of downloading a movie for your own viewing pleasure and the low cost to companies has created a burgeoning market for all consumers to enjoy.

Movie watching has increased even over periods of economic turmoil. Movie going is a great activity way to interact with family and friends. There is a movie for everyone, from old to young.

The growth of the movie download market is attributed by many to high speed internet availability. Before the days of DSL and Cable a dial up modem was all we had to download. Downloads at this speed would be too slow. Renting a DVD was simpler and easier. Technology has allowed us to all have readily accessible high speed internet, allowing many American's the ability to download large movie files.

There are several venues that are available to download movies. One of which is directly from satellite and cable providers through your TV set. Many companies now, including Direct TV and Comcast, allow downloading of movies through your cable box. You can simply press a few buttons on your remote and streaming high quality movies are downloaded straight into your living room.

Another popular way of downloading movies is through websites such as Netflix. They offer services that allow you to download movies straight to you computer, instead of waiting for a DVD to come to your mail box. This allows consumers for flexibility in watching the movies and not having to return anything through the mailbox. It also allows customers who are on the road to still rent and enjoy movies without being home.

The other form of websites that allow movie watching are sites like Hulu. Hulu not only has movies but also television shows. They show these free of charge with some commercial breaks. The quality of these videos are great and can also be watched whenever and wherever you are, as long as you have a high speed internet connection. It really broadcasts to the a larger viewing audience, which make the companies that produce these shows happier.

The new market for movie downloads have caught the attention of companies. It benefits them also because of the lack of costs. They don't need to print DVD's or even have a warehouse to store them. Rental companies no longer have to pay rent to keep large stores open. They simply encrypt their movie and pay for a server to host the files. After that, they can make almost pure profit from downloads.

Movie downloads are here to stay. Companies and consumers both want movie downloads, with their convenience and low cost. With the increasing number of movies beginning to see the future, the days putting a DVD into your player may be short. Fewer and fewer companies are going to be willing to shell out the millions of dollars in wasted warehouse space, rental costs, and disc costs. Next time you consider renting a movie, consider renting a movie download. - 40727

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